Friday, October 31, 2008

Half Way

I just checked our accounts and we are officially half way to paying for our trip!! However, it feels like the second half is the harder half to raise. It will come. I know it will. I'm a worrier by nature. In my heart I know that God will provide on HIS time, but my head is telling me that numbers aren't adding up the way they need to.

Thank you for our supporters. Keep praying that God will provide for us in this time of financial hardship for so many. Pray that God will give the team peace as we are preparing our hearts and minds for the things we will encounter.

Dios, Sabemos que Ud. es mas poderosos que cualquier cosas en el mundo. Por favor bendiga a las personas de Guatemala. Gracias Senor. Amen.

(God, We know that you are more powerful than anything in the world. Please bless the people of Guatmala. Thank you, Lord. Amen.)


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